I finally found the courage to cut off someone who used to be my closest friend but has become a cancer in my world.
I thumb tacked the eviction notice on her door, along with the following letter that I was too chicken shit to say to her face.
“I can’t remember life before you, and am not sure what life after you will look like, but I’m so tired of this toxic exchange.
I pardoned you all those times you helped yourself to my wallet and blasted through funds that took me weeks to earn.
I was patient all those times that you hoarded all of the dishes in your room and you lied about having them until the fruit flies had become so rampant that you brought them all out in a trash liner.
You didn’t even bother to wash the black mold from the dishes and left them in the dishwasher and now we have roaches.
You said you would put the gas in your name in august but never did and the week of Christmas until February, none of us could shower or had heat.
The house party we went to last night, you were the life of the party and saved the backyard concert by running the sound for the bands as the engineer they had was too wasted..
You were the hero of the night but you stayed too long after, got obnoxiously drunk. I was so embarrassed to be associated with you and I’m sure those friends will never want to see me again.
I basically had to wrestle you into a cab and then put your ass to bed on your side because I was worried if you lay on your back, you would choke on your vomit and die.
I don’t want to harp on the things I don’t like about living with you, and I could and have overlooked all of these transgressions.
However, the one thing that I literally cannot see past is your face that I hardly even recognize anymore, in every goddamn mirror.”